

We, as Renkler Makina, maintain transparent communication with all our stakeholders. To identify potential risks and take preventive measures, as well as to efficiently transform any inappropriate situations into productive service outcomes, we encourage you to report any issues you want to inform us about to the Renkler Makina Ethics Reporting Hotline.

To enable the reporting of situations that violate ethical principles by internal and external stakeholders of Renkler Makina, an Ethics Reporting Hotline has been established, as indicated below. All reports received by the Ethics Reporting Hotline are processed in accordance with the principles of confidentiality under the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), and the informant's information is kept confidential. In case of identifying situations contrary to ethical behavior principles within our company, you can report them via email to etik.kurulu@renklermakina.com. Additionally, you can make a confidential and anonymous report using the reporting form provided below.